BDV Data Science Badges principally serve to recognize the acquisition of data science skills. They are a tool which students of data science can use to demonstrate their skills. They also demonstrate that an educational program’s training meets the demands of industry. We are very happy and proud to announce that the M.Sc. in Data and Web Science qualifies for issuing badges to its students. The School of Informatics of AUTH provides the “BDV Data Science Analytics – Academic Level” badge which is part of the BDVe Skills Recognition Program (…/guide-to-the-bdv-data-scie…/). This badge addresses the needs of data scientists in industry and academia while taking into consideration educational trends in Europe. Its main goals are to:
– Align training in data science with industrial needs
– Simplify the assessment of candidates for data science positions
– Encourage students to acquire data science skills
To be eligible for this badge, a student has to complete the M.Sc. in Data and Web Science Programme and also to upload the M.Sc. dissertation. Students that have graduated will be informed through email.