Pfizer Greek Digital Hub

In the context of our series of lecture events with invited speakers from both academia and industry, we had the honor to host online the Pfizer company, and more specifically, the Pfizer Greek Digital Hub based in Thessaloniki, on Thursday the 12nd of November 2020. Our MSc in Data and Web Science community enjoyed an exciting event with remarkable presentations from Pfizer Digital Hub Thessaloniki! Pfizer’s pioneering activities, vision and strategy towards the development of new technologies that improve patients’ quality of life and social good offer great inspiration and motivation for our students and faculty!

We are grateful to the speakers:
– Nico Gariboldi, Digital Hub Lead
– Dimitris Papakonstantinou, Digital Hub Finance Lead
– Angeliki Iliopoulou, Human Resources Lead
– George Koutitas, Director Architecture, EU Digital Engagement and Machine Learning

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Pfizer Digital Hub presentation (PDF)