Πολιτική Απορρήτου

  1. Personal Information that this website collects
    1. Site visitation trackingThe website of the MSc Data and Web Science makes use of the Google’s site visitation tracking service, known as Google Analytics. We use this data to determine the number of people using our site, to better understand how they find and use our web pages in order to provide the best possible user experience to all of our users.Although Google Analytics records data such as your geographical location, device, internet browser and operating system, none of this information identifies you personally. Also, Google Analytics records your computer’s IP address, but Google does not grant us access to this info and it can’t be used to identify you.

      Furthermore, Google Analytics makes use of cookies, details of which can be found on this page. Disabling cookies on your internet browser will stop Google Analytics from tracking any part of your visit to this website and collect the personal info we mentioned above.

    2. Contact Form and Email LinksIn case you use one of the contact forms or email links you can find on this website, then you should know that none of the data you will submit to the corresponding forms will be stored on our website or passed to any third party data processors.
  2. How we store your personal informationThe website of the MSc Data and Web Science doesn’t store the personal info of its users. The ways in which your personal data can be collected but not be stored in our website’s servers are mentioned in section 1.
  3. About our website’s serversThe website of the MSc Data and Web Science is hosted in servers provided by the IT Centre of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.All data sent between this website and your browser is encrypted and delivered over HTTPS.
  4. Data BreachesWe will report any unlawful data breach of this website’s database or the database(s) of any of our third party data processors to any and all relevant persons and authorities within 72 hours of the breach if it is apparent that personal data stored in an identifiable manner has been stolen.
  5. Changes to our Privacy PolicyThis privacy policy may change from time to time based on the current legislation or the changes we make on our website. We will not explicitly inform our website users of these changes and so we recommend that you check this page occasionally for any policy changes.